Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Printmaking Final!

"Painstaking" - by Christina Holt (30" x 44")
made with a wood print as background (Sepia ink) and lithography print for the image of a garbage can and bag.

Painstaking means: "careful, exact, finicky, fussy, picky"

The idea is irony with the second piece (pictured below).
This is a "painstaking" image and a clean/crisp image of a garbage can.

"Slapdash" - by Christina Holt (30" x 44")
made with a wood print that was destroyed as a background (sepia ink) and lithography print for the image of a broken ruler.

Slapdash means: "messy, haphazard, sloppy"
The idea is irony with the first piece.
This is a "slapdash" image and a messy image of a broken ruler.
[The image of the ruler is barely seen in the photo which I am unhappy about but unable to change. Sorry]

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