Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Printmaking Final!

"Painstaking" - by Christina Holt (30" x 44")
made with a wood print as background (Sepia ink) and lithography print for the image of a garbage can and bag.

Painstaking means: "careful, exact, finicky, fussy, picky"

The idea is irony with the second piece (pictured below).
This is a "painstaking" image and a clean/crisp image of a garbage can.

"Slapdash" - by Christina Holt (30" x 44")
made with a wood print that was destroyed as a background (sepia ink) and lithography print for the image of a broken ruler.

Slapdash means: "messy, haphazard, sloppy"
The idea is irony with the first piece.
This is a "slapdash" image and a messy image of a broken ruler.
[The image of the ruler is barely seen in the photo which I am unhappy about but unable to change. Sorry]

Thursday, April 29, 2010

This is my recent midterm printmaking assignment. We had to create a series of etchings.
The idea behind this one is the aspect of light. The etchings move from light to dark (Left to Right). Plus, the aspect of yellow and black that I added along with the dark frame and the white borders around the prints. Let me know what you think! This print is my favorite so far. I will add my final printmaking assignment here soon.

Monday, April 5, 2010

This print was made in my Printmaking class this spring. I used a technique called Lithography. The images were taken from google images so I am not taking credit for them.
In this print, I wanted to create movement and the concept of life with the green hearts made out of leaves and the old oak tree loosing its leaves

Love Never Fails

This animation was created in After Effects. All of the ground layers, clouds and the couple on the bench were hand drawn and scanned into photoshop and colored.
Created in March 2010 and submitted into the Northwestern College Film Festival, 2010.

A couple is relaxing and enjoying the day just being with each other. The clouds promise slight rain but that doesn't stop them from being with each other. The flourishes represent "growth" which are used to pull the whole animation together in the end.

These are my canvases. They were all made by myself and with acrylic paint and canvas.
Top: painted in 2009
Middle: painted in 2009
Bottom: painted in 2007

Snowman Tutorial

Haven't posted in a while but I did a tutorial for a possible Christmas card that I want to use some time...
I actually learned a lot from doing this tutorial and other tutorials in general that I have done. Lots of fun.
Wanted to show what I have learned.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

3D Interior Model

This is the 3D Interior I did in Maya Software. November 2009
Modeling, Lighting and Texture by Christina Holt